Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Big Screen

Our local theater runs older movies during the summer for FREE! Connell doesn't remember, but the summer after he turned 1, we went to see a Veggie Tales movie at the free movie festival. This week, Polar Express was showing, so we grabbed some friends and headed to the theater!

Well, it was crowded, so we ended up sitting on the second row. Not such a fun way to watch a movie. Connell got a little scared at certain parts of the the movie. I just think we were so close to the screen and it was SO loud - he wasn't so sure! He sat in my lap for about half of the movie, which truth be told, was really FINE with me. I take my cuddles however I can get 'em!

By the end of the movie, I got a smile and he said "that was fun!"

Our friend Jordan babysat Emma so we could have some Mommy/Connell time and we took Jordan's little brother, Jackson (Connell's buddy) with us! We are hoping to catch another movie before summer ends.
Some silly boys - Connell, Clayton, Cole and Jackson

1 comment:

aimee said...

connell looks so tall in these pictures!! i'm sure he had a blast!