Thursday, December 16, 2010

Connell's MDO Party

Emma walked right up and sat herself beside her big brother. She was being such a big girl. Connell was super exited to see us!
Even Daddy came to visit!
Emma checking out all the big kids
It's on! Cupcake time! Emma had her cupcake finished before almost everyone else.

Connell has a great class and super sweet teachers. He just loves Ms. Rene and Ms. Candice. Starting in January, Emma will be going to MDO one day a week. I did the same thing with Connell at about this age. Mommy is feeling a little sad that my babies are getting so big. :( But I think Connell is absolutely going to love that Emma will be across the hall. He has been asking me for months when Emma gets to go to school. It will be interesting, for sure! Tim asked me what I will do with my time (a whole 5 hours a week that they will both be at MDO)? My answer: shave my legs. (only kidding!) :)

1 comment:

aimee said...

It must run in the Nelson blood..I love cupcakes too!!! Cute pictures!