Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Just us...

Last week, Connell was kind of acting like his ears were bothering him...so before Daddy headed out of town for a football game, we stopped by his office for a quick check of the ears. Since I have once again started keeping the camera with me at all times, I had to capture the enormous amount of cooperation that Connell was giving while having his ears checked. Amazing! I think he likes the sounds that his Daddy makes while he looks in his ears... :)

Tim left for Memphis (he and his Dad and brothers went to Ole Miss for the Ole Miss/Memphis game). Didn't turn out the way they would have hoped, but they had a good time anyway! Connell and I went to dinner Friday night with his girlfriend, Amie (our friend/next-door neighbor). He was perfect during our Chinese dinner at Fulins, and his fortune cookie read "You are a happy man!" Well, yea, 'cuz look who he was with!!!

We also had fun with our friends the Earls...I've blogged about them before. Their little boy Jackson is a year older than Connell. It's so neat to watch them interact. We played in their pool and also played at the water fountains again. You will see Connell's fat lip in the pictures...that is because he was running at the fountains (all boy!) and tripped and busted his lip. He cried quite a bit, but was then ready to run again. It hurt me too!

That's my sweet friend Amber hiding behind the turtle!

There are no pictures from Labor Day. I had some 24-hour bug that Tim had last week. The photographer was down and out yesterday! Tim golfed and we had a low-key day. We tried to hang out with the Wilsons, but since I was feeling icky and Connell had a tummy-ache, we quit early and everyone went to bed.


Pigtails & Pearls said...

Is Connell cheating on Chloe?

Sarah said...

Yep, with an older woman! (sorry Amie!)

The Bambino Adventure said...

Aww! It's nice when your Daddy can be your doctor. We just pretend with our medical kit at home. I hope your weekend on your own went well.