Monday, September 22, 2008

Weekend in Wisconsin (part 1)

Last Wednesday night, we flew up to Milwaukee to visit family and then head to my cousin, Erika's wedding. Connell did great on the airplane; FYI if you ever have the chance to fly Midwest Airlines, they serve hot chocolate chip cookies. This was great for us! The cookie treat occupied Connell for a good half hour...and they sure are tasty. :) Thursday we spent the day playing in the beautiful weather at one of Milwaukee's nicest parks. In the evening we went to my Aunt Grace's house for a delicious TRUE mexican meal...Wow! It was wonderful! We also had the chance to visit with my Grandma. She is doing well and was very happy to see 2 of her Great-Grandsons, Connell and Chandler. We also recently have learned that she is going to have 2 more great-grands added to the family next spring! Congratulations to Mike and Lydia (and big brother Spencer) and to Monica and Tim (and big sis Isabelle). Our family is growing! Here are some pics from Thursday.

My Mom and my Aunt Marge (sisters, can you tell?!?!)

When did my baby boy get SO big?

Fun with Grandma & Grandpa (or Bumpy - as Connell calls him now!)

Please don't make Mommy nervous!


Trying to get Connell to cooperate for a picture with Great-Grandma!

Yummmmm! Great-Grandma shares BIG bites of icecream cake with Connell!

A 'self' portrait of a group this big is a true talent - good job Timmy!

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