Thursday, September 4, 2008

After-School Snack...

Well, we made it! I say we, because, yes, I cried big tears too when I left Connell this morning. My sweet hubby even brought me flowers today! I picked Connell up at 2 and asked lots and lots of questions to Miss Whitney...she said he did great! He had a rough start to the morning but she said once he decided he was better, he played and played. She said that he ate his lunch well, and to my amazement, Connell napped for an hour and a half on his napmat. I am so proud of him. He brought home his first artwork...a palm tree made with his hand prints...this is so exciting to me! It will be displayed on the fridge of course, although Connell's Daddy really wants it at his office. I assured him there will be plenty more art to come!

I have to share one funny little story...Miss Whitney said that all morning Connell wanted his lunchbox. She offered him his sippy cup, and they had 'sand pudding' as a snack this morning, but he wasn't satisfied. He just wanted his little monkey lunch bag. Well, I know why. This morning, he saw me putting a bag of mini teddy grahams in his lunch bag. While we were trying to get out of the door this morning, he kept doing the sign for 'more' and pointing at the bag. He wanted the teddy grahams, and obviously, didn't forget they were in there. He's so smart! Next time, I'll get his lunch packed without him watching me! What a sweetie...he went to bed a little earlier than usual tonight. It's hard work to be a big boy!


Pigtails & Pearls said...

I just love the artwork. Frame it and keep it forever!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Connell! and Sarah! I know it is so hard when they've been at home with you all this time. I can't stand to be at home by myself - I "hear" the babies anyway and then feel crazy... we're not doing MDO this time around, but it's good for an only child so he has children to play with! Go ahead a start a box to keep all of that artwork in - I've got about a dozen of them!!
Joy T