Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Day at Mother's Day Out (is it 2:00 yet?)

This morning, I dropped Connell off for his very first time at Mother's Day Out. He is going to be going just one day a week and it's from 9am-2pm. When my initial shock of Connell not being home with me wears off, I will hopefully be getting things done and using this time to do some of my work that I do from my 'home office'. I laugh when I say 'home office.' It's funny to me. Anyway...Tim and Connell and I went last Thursday night to the church where he's going to MDO for the preschool openhouse. It's great, and close to our house. Connell met his teachers who seem very very sweet (and patient). He is in a class with about 9-10 others, all boys, only 1 girl. Fun for her! They will play, eat, rest, and work on projects and early learning of abc's, etc. Of course Tim and I are so eager to see how Connell does with this new activity. He played the whole time we were at the openhouse last week. The room is bright and cheery with lots of fun toys. One of the teachers said that if I want, I can leave my camera with her one day and she can take pictures of Connell in action...Tim just laughed and said "You should have never said that to my wife." Yep-I will definitely have to do that sometime. Great pics for the blog!

In the meantime, here are a few that I snapped this morning. Connell woke up earlier than usual this morning, so I had to give the teachers fair warning that he was a bit tired/cranky today (of all days!). I did manage to get a cute smile from our big boy! Any guesses if I cried after I dropped him off?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sure is one cute kid!