Friday, January 7, 2011

2011: Resolutions/Goals/Projects - whatever you wanna call it - I have a LOT to do!

Happy New Year everyone! (ALL 8 of my readers!)

I never (ever) stick with resolutions. Heck, I usually don't even complete a daily to-do list. But this year, I am really going to strive to make some changes. If I am even a tiny bit successful, then GREAT! I will benefit, my family will benefit, and maybe I will even have an impact on others.

So here goes. In no particular order. My 11 for 2011!

1) Complete HALF Marathon this year.
(decided to go ahead and get right at this one...registered on January 3rd to participate in the
Music City Marathon (half) this spring). More on that later.

2) BE more "present" with my kids. Relax (ha!) and enjoy and try to be more patient with them (and myself) as we live these toddler/preschool years. And now that I have typed that, why is it that EMMA is already a TODDLER???!!!! Anyhoo, try to have more purposeful learning time as well as just get in the floor and play, while they still want to play with their Mommy. :)

3) Wash my face before bed. I know it's pitiful that I don't have this habit already in place. I used to. When I was younger. It probably matters more now, so I really need to work on this.

4) Cook more meals at home (try to make them somewhat healthy) and waste less food.

5) Get ORGANIZED. There are about 89 things on this list, but I won't bore with details. I truly think that a more organized home will afford me more time to do ENJOYABLE things, like play with my kids and not always be thinking about all the "stuff" I need to do. Or run. to prepare for 13.1 miles.

6) Become more involved at our church. Started this already this month - "room at the inn" ministry. Participate in a bible study. PRAY more about parenting difficulties. God chose Connell & Emma to be ours, so we should turn to Him more for guidance.

7) Go on a trip with my man. ALONE. My sweet babies will be missed most definitely, but it's been since fall 2008 and it's time.

8) Perform more random acts of kindness. This is one I did last year too and actually DID it. Love it!

9) Take sewing class. Sew something. A dress for Emma!

10) I love blogging to keep a "journal" of our family. But I am bad because I haven't completed baby books for either of my children. My goal is to have a baby book for their first year of life and then make a blog book for each year after that. Poor Emma, I haven't even bought her book yet. :( I really want to work on all of this while my memory still serves me!

11) Achieve my weight loss goals. really. this is directly related to item 1.


aimee said...

I slack on washing my face at night too! I'm just soooo tired by that point and it seems like it would take up a lot of energy! My only advice for a half marathon (besides train for it..because I didn't!!) is invest is good quality running shoes. I did my half marathon in July and my poor toes and feet are still recovering.

Good luck with your list for 2011! I think you will accomplish all of your goals!!!

The Shads said...

First GREAT goals.
Second you already are amazing with your kids and VERY purposeful. I mean that
Thirdly you will ROCK this list.