Wednesday, November 5, 2008

18 Months Old!

Serious Spaghetti!

Connell turned 18 months old on October 30th. This morning we went to his well-child checkup with our pediatrician. As always, he did great! He weighs 25 pounds and is 33 1/4 inches tall! He has grown about a pound and a half and almost 2 inches in 3 months. He is definitely a boy on the move!

So I've seen this done on many turn...18 things I/we LOVE about Connell!!!!

  1. The way his eyes smile when he smiles.

  2. His contagious laugh.

  3. How when I hold him, he plays with my hair. (Daddy's short hair, too!)

  4. How much he loves books. "Reading" by himself and letting us read to him.

  5. He likes to shop with me. :)

  6. He likes to sleep.

  7. He enjoys being around everyone we enjoy being around.

  8. He loves to play with kids of all ages.

  9. He gives great hugs.

  10. Even better kisses.

  11. Likes to snuggle with me after Daddy gets him out of his bed in the morning while I am still trying to wake up.

  12. Loves loves loves his Daddy.

  13. How he likes to run around in just a hooded towel after he gets out of the bathtub.

  14. His cute little "run" when he's really in a hurry

  15. How he imitates animals...they all squeak!

  16. His eyelashes.

  17. How sweet the top of his head smells while I kiss it 500 times a day.

  18. That he doesn't mind that I kiss him 500 times a day all the while looking at him in total amazement and love and thanking God that He chose Tim and I to be Connell's parents.


Anonymous said...

So sweet! Connell is very blessed too- that God chose you and Tim to be his mommy and daddy! And that reminds me- it's time for me to schedule Annie's 18-month check-up!!!

Pigtails & Pearls said...

He is so sweet! Happy 18 month Connell!

Jen said...

He's a cutie!!