Friday, November 19, 2010

11/13 - 11/19 Weekend/week Catch up *

Grandma & Grandpa came for a visit this weekend. It was a low-key, playtime kinda weekend. We also tried a new (new to us) restaurant nearby and it was awesome! Yummy, fresh italian food! Can't wait to go back! We pulled out the tent that santa brought last year. Connell spent alot of time in the tent with Grandma reading books/twirling hair! (for those that don't know, Connell is a thumb-sucker and likes to twirl hair at the same time. He is probably getting too big for this, but it's cute and I am too tired to worry about it currently ;) )
Playing games...
playdoh mess/fun!
Emma taking an important call
Monday morning, more fun time in the tent.
trying on Daddy's hat
A breakfast date - not sure what is going on with Connell's hair - WOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love looking at your pictures of Emma and Connell. They are so precious. Loved the turkey dress. Cute I might add. I see you had a great Thanksgiving and now getting ready for Santa. Fun, fun and more fun. Love your sweet family. Janie Shearin