Sunday, March 8, 2009

What Connell loves...

Pooh, and his new truck! For several months now, Connell has been all about Winnie the Pooh. He says "Pooh" all the time! It occurred to me the other day that way back a long long time ago, Tim gave me a stuffed Pooh. I know - mushy & sweet (he's still that way) :) It's been in the attic and Tim got it down for Connell a few days ago. They are buddies!
Also, we purchased a used Yukon a couple of weeks ago. Connell loves it! He really enjoys being up higher than we were in my car. He sees everything better and waves at almost everyone we drive by. He likes to play in the truck too. We were all outside Saturday morning cleaning cars/sweeping the garage, etc since it was so nice out. Connell was enjoying 'driving' the truck!


Unknown said...

He is so stinkin cute!!! AND, I like the new truck! Congrats on the new purchase.

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!! Congrats on the move to a bigger vehicle! You're an SUV Mom now.... movin on up! haha!