Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I don't like Winter.

This year, for some reason, I am finding this statement more true than years past. I am not sure why. Could it be possibly that I am a bit trapped in the house with a toddler?!?!?!? Don't get me wrong...we are having fun...building blocks, coloring, etc etc. He is constantly amazing me with new things he is doing...he is getting so good at eating with a spoon and fork. He 'pretends' alot, which is so cute. He still LOVES reading. One day last week, I read 16 books in a row. He just kept bringing them and was so enjoying our story time, I couldn't help but cherish that time together. That being said, I think both Connell and I are used to running around more than we have since this year began and we need an outing! :)

This past weekend, we did just that, with Daddy of course. Our outing consisted of Connell getting his hair cut (his 4th, I think), lunch, and getting the battery in my watch replaced. Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Missy said...

I totaly understand. It's been so cold up here we have been going crazy. Spring can't come soon enough.