Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just plain cute...

This is a fun age. I know I don't have much to compare to, and I have enjoyed every stage so far with Connell, but this is FUN! It's fun to listen to his language (!). It's cool to watch how much he is understanding and comprehending. It's just FUN!!!

I have started doing a little bit of work (medical data entry) from home again. I haven't done any since May so it took a minute to put that very tiny part of my brain back to work. But it's good, and it's a blessing, as it provides a little extra cashola. I am trying to keep it around 10 hours a week right now, primarily while Connell sleeps.

Here are some pictures from the past week...just silly fun!

Connell and his new friend. He dances and sings "itsy bitsy spider."

"I ate my whole blueberry muffin!"

Showing some skin...

We finally found a float that Connell will stay in for longer than 5 minutes. And we've had it all along; I bought it on clearance at the end of last summer for $2. Wish we would have tried it earlier in the summer!

Connell's new ride-down Sesame Street!

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