Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This week...

Well, it's been a week of ups and downs...On the upside, look at the picture above. I know, I know, it's nerdy to take a picture of a picture. However, we picked up Connell's First Year panel from our photographer this week, and wow! It's awesome! For whatever reason my 'cry-at-the-drop-of-a-hat' gene is working overtime lately, and of course, looking at these pictures and thinking about how this year has flown by made me cry. Thinking that we get a rest for a while from paying the photographer made me smile! :)

On the downside, here's a picture of my pitiful baby boy asleep in my arms. Those who know Connell know that he LOVES to be sprawled out in his bed. What I thought was terrible teething led to a visit to the pediatrician today and discovered Connell has his first ear infection. Again, is there some medicine for the Mommy too??? Yep, I cried again. Oh well. :(

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