Saturday, April 9, 2011

Celebration Time

Friday night we went to our friend Jackson's birthday party. He is turning FIVE! Now, really, it does seem like yesterday that I went to visit my sweet friend Amber at the hospital and helped to dress her precious baby boy for his newborn pictures. Well, that baby will be going to kindergarten. And that also means Connell isn't too far behind.

The group picture is always SO fun! Connell is drenched with sweat - he plays hard! I was proud of Emma for taking part in the group picture!
Miss Amber and Emma

My little peeps together in line. It was so sweet how Connell took care of his sister.
The birthday boy!!!

coming down from the sugar high wih a little book time.

We had a blast with our friends! This kicks off our busy birthday season - here we go!

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